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Use your cardiac sonography skills to help those in need through these Volunteer Organizations...

CardioStart International and its worldwide volunteers conduct two-week missions trips to such countries as Peru, Haiti, Uganda, and Vietnam. As part of each surgical mission, the medical team of 30-40 volunteers collaborates with local hospital staff to perform advanced cardiac surgery. CarioStart's intent is to teach local doctors and nurses advanced cardiac care, elevating surgical outcomes and overall patient care long after CardioStart volunteers have departed the country.  For more information view their website at

David Without Borders is a global cardiac care initiative that targets areas of need and delivers echo experience, resources, and personalized attention to healthcare professionals. David's vision is to provide second-to-none echo consultations, educational materials, and patient care to every echo facility in the world! Learn about collaboration opportunities with David Without Borders by emailing  You can also visit for more information.

The ASE Foundation is ASE's charitable arm, helping to assure the viability and visibility of cardiovascular ultrasound.

ASE Foundation offers a global outreach program that brings adult and pediatric cardiac care to areas in need, teaching local clinicians and providing direct patient services to at-risk communities. 

For more information and to view upcoming trips visit their website at


The ASE Foundation is currently looking for volunteers for two trips coming in the fall of 2019.


They are loooking for 5-6 physicians and 3-4 cardiac sonographers for a global health event in Lanzhou, Gansu Province, China. This will focus on adults and children with rheumatic heart disease and congenital heart defects in rural areas.


There is also a global health event in Eldoret, Kenya. They are looking for 2-3 physicians, 6-7 cardiac sonographer, and 1-2 nurse clinicians. This event is focusing on surveying school aged children for rheumatic and congenital heart disease.


For more information click here


Novick Cardiac Alliance collaborates with Governments, Health Ministries, healthcare professional and Humanitarian Organizations to provide total cardiac care to children in developing countries. They educate local health-care professionals and work with their educational institutions to improve the standard training and hence provided to children with heart disease. They provide clinical bedside teaching, didactic lectures, and ad hoc teaching sessions on site. Their goal is that of the partner's site's - to develop full independence over time and to operate on and care for children with home grown team of experts and no continuing need for direct outside assistance. To learn more please visit their website at

Team Heart is a non-profit medical organization focused on bringing sustainable cardiac care to Rwanda. Each year they travel to Rwanda to perform, screenings, heart operations, and workshops with local Rwandan medical staff. To learn more about volunteer opportunities please visit their website at

Heart Care International provides high quality and compassionate surgical and medical care pro-bono to needy children and teenagers with heart disease in developing countries.  Dedicated medical professionals who donate their time and services staff missions. For more information visit their website at



We are a nonprofit echocardiography society (501c4) providing continuing education on the dynamic field of echo and also providing networking opportunities to the sonography community.  


TEAM would like to thank Kris and Paige Magruder for creating TEAM's logo, editing the website and defining the look of this website! 


TEAM, Technological Echo Association of Milwaukee

C/O Radiology Education

180 West Grange Ave

Milwaukee, WI 5327

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